
Welcome to our scrapbook! Here you can view articles that include information about Domitila, see photos of our reserve and guests, and read what some of our guests have to say about Domitila.

1. Articles - English and Spanish
2. Photos (Fotos)
3. Visitor Guestbook

1) Articles:

a). "Wildlife at the Dry Tropical Forest in Domitila Private Wildlife Reserve, Nicaragua, Central America." By Jean Michel Maes PhD, Director of Entomology Museum Leon, Nicaragua and Eric Van den Berghe PhD., Professor of Biology and Sciences at Avemaria College, San Marcos Nicaragua. Source: ECOCLUB: International Ecotourism Monthly, Issue 48, May 2003. (Word Document .DOC) or (Adobe .PDF)

b.) "Nicaragua Without the Mud." By Fred Sibley PhD. This article appeared in the Dragonfly Society of the Americas journal ARGIA (Fall 2003) (Word Document .DOC) or (Adobe .PDF)

c.) "Cheles" Levantan Comedor Infantil. By Gustavo Ortega Campos. La Prensa. Lunes 7 de Marzo del 2005.

2) Photos:

a) Facilities & Employees

Local cooks (Cocineras local)
Dining room (Comedor)
Local cooks (Cocineras local
Dormitory (Dormitorio)
Domitila Lodge (Albergue)
Domitila Lodge (Albergue)


b) Activities

Butterfly observation (Observación de mariposas)
Butterfly observation (Observación de mariposas)
Horseback riding (Excursiones a caballo)
Horseback riding (Excursiones a caballo)
Oxcart transportation (Transporte por carretón tirado por bueyes)
Relaxation (Relajación)


c) Wildlife

Howler monkey (Mono congo)
Margay (Margay)
Agouti paca (Guardatinaja)
Coati (Coatí)
Black headed trogan (Viuda)
Bairds trogan (Trogan)
Violaceous trogan (Trogan violaceo)
Domitila mariposa
Bairds trogan (Trogan)
Bluemorpho- Blue Morpho
Hemip Domitila


d) Scenery

d) Visitors

e) School dining room construction by Maine volunteer group.


3) Visitor Guestbook
"Coming soon!"